Sunday, August 23, 2015

Test Automation - Yes OR No?

Test Automation is a very hot topic nowadays and selling like hot cakes. On Google or Testing groups one will find endless debate on Manual Testing V/S Automation Testing. Both have their pros and cons. Later can't replace Manual Testing but Manual Testing can replace Automation testing in some scenarios such a budget constraint.

So what's the advantage of learning Test Automation. Test Automation is an added advantage . Manual Tester can be replaced by a person who know Test Automation in some cases when it comes to firing by organizations. Recently an Organization fired more than 100 Manual Testers when they lost a project. They retained the Automation Testers  indicating they are developers.

One should learn the Test Automation and do some practice to learn the same. There are N - number of tools in market for Automation and the choice depends on the ones interest and need. Selenium is in huge demand nowadays as it have flexibility for a Automation Tester to use any of the supported Language .

So here's my 1st post on Test Automation using Selenium and I will be updating my blog with my learning. Thanks to Alex for helping me out in learning Selenium and motivation for writing down posts on my learning.

I will be using JAVA  + WEB DRIVER for my all posts related to Selenium.

Steps to make your system ready for using selenium :-

1. Download the Eclipse depending on System Architecture you have . x86 or x64 bit.

2. Download The Selenium Standalone Server from

 3. Download The Selenium Client Java bindings

4. Open Eclipse software and Create (File --> Java Project)

5. Add a New Class

6. Now Add the Selenium Jar files by following below steps :-

  •     Right Click on the Project that you have created
  •     Click on the Properties
  •     Click on the Java Build Path
  •     Click on the Libraries Tab
  •     Click on Add External Jars button
  •     Browse the folder and select the Jar files that was downloaded in Step 2 and 3
  •     Click on Save button

So now you are ready to write down the code to automate any website.

To be Continued.....

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Microsoft's weird bug in Office 2013

Bugs Bugs Bugs

Every Product have bugs then how come Microsoft won't have bugs in their products. A funny scenario I came across while working on MS- Excel 2013. 

Above video shows issue with the product. Its very common that an end user will try to find some characters are remove them or replace with something. When an end user tries to replace (dot) with spaces it works perfect but when user tries to replace or delete (?) with spaces Microsoft removes the whole string with spaces.

Wondering how this funny thing is not reported or Microsoft is not aware about?

Saturday, April 11, 2015

Bug in iOS 8.3 Emoji Keyboard

Apple released update 8.3 for iPhone users which became popular due to its new icons of Emoji. Everyone is crazy to have a look and use them. But did Apple tested cross platform OS? Or we can simply say what about others who are not using the latest OS (In Apple's Case).

Apple should handle things in a right way. Below screenshot depicts the fault in new emoji's

Above screenshot shows cross platform issue in whatsapp , However when whatsapp used on iOS but different version then the image is replaced with a Skull icon.

Apple needs to think over such instances while testing the things and releasing it to Public.